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Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.23.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.23.19: Quiet time alone offers you a sacred environment to appreciate the concepts and insights ablaze in your mind. The cautious Cancer Moon squares off against logical Mercury, sparking a conflict between feeling and reason. However, your emotions fuel your thoughts and the energy sparks even more mental fire now. Nevertheless, these cerebral flickers are still too delicate to share with others. Continue to fan the flames until they become strong enough to stand on their own. Indian politician Abhishek Mishra wrote, “Ideas are like children. You conceive them, you nurture them, and you grow with them.”

ablaze 形 燃え立って 〔物が光を受けて〕輝いて 〈比喩〉〔人が〕興奮して
cautious 形  用心深い、注意深い

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.22.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.22.19: Err on the side of sensitivity when discussing emotionally charged beliefs and views today. You might think that wielding facts and figures is enough to make your point or convince someone else that they’re wrong. However, you can net more understanding by hearing out people’s feelings instead of trying to sway them one way or another. Keeping the channels of communication open allows you to continue to search for common ground. Author Tatjana Urbic wrote, “Having someone who listens is a great gift, but to be truly heard is a treasure.”

err on the side of ~をし過ぎて失敗する
wield 【他動】 〔道具・武器などを〕巧みに使う、扱う 〔権力などを〕振るう、行使する
facts and figures 正確な情報
hear someone out (人)の話を最後まで[注意して]聞く、(人)の話を傾聴する
one way or another あれこれ方法を使って、何とかして、いずれにせよ、何かと、何かにつけ、どうにかして
common ground 共通の土台[基盤・立場] 〔複数の人たちの経験などの〕共通点


Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.21.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.21.19: You deserve to get what you really want at the right price. You’re likely excited about buying a coveted object today, but it’s possible that the quality of the product isn’t up to your standards or the cost is overinflated. One way to solve this dilemma is by negotiating a different price. Or you might also do more research and see if you can find the same item with better workmanship. However, the key is to not settle for less than excellence when you can have it all now. Your persistence and resourcefulness are invaluable assets.



Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.20.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.20.19: You possess an innate talent for shedding light on touchy subjects and buried secrets. However, it is hard to find an audience to stick around and listen when the truth is hard to hear. However, others are knocking on your door today, hoping to find comfort in your empathic understanding of their fears and dreams. You’re viewing life through a sunnier filter now, enabling you to provide encouraging words and practical ideas to guide those who ask for your help. Author Og Mandino wrote, "I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars."

innate 【形】 生まれながらの、天から授かった、生まれつきの、持って生まれた
shed light on 〔暗闇に〕光を放つ -
stick around 【句動】 〈話〉近くにいる、辺りをブラブラする
empathic understanding 共感的理解


Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.19.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.19.19: You are fully capable of being the driving force behind a laudable goal today. Perhaps a group of your friends looks to you for leadership now, even if that’s not your typical preference. It’s an exhilarating feeling to be the leader of the pack, but be wary of becoming a taskmaster in your pursuit of excellence. Instead, envision your role more as the quality-control facilitator than the executive-in-chief. Make suggestions rather than bark commands, wholly respecting that everyone is bringing their special skills and unique inspirations to a work in progress. Step out of the shadows and shine.

driving force 原動力、推進力、駆動力 〔重要な役割を果たす〕立役者
look to 【句動】 ~に目[注意・心・関心]を向ける、~の方を向く
wary of 《be ~》~を警戒する、~に注意する、~に慎重である
taskmaster 【名】工事監督、親方
chief executive チーフエグゼクティブ、最高(経営)責任者 最高行政官

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.18.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.18.19: Being more mindful when it comes to your communication helps you immensely today. Something as simple as improving your handwriting so it’s more legible can make a noticeable difference. Alternatively, you might tackle a more complex task like editing a long document for style and structure rather than just making superficial changes. Thankfully, industrious Saturn supports your disciplined approach as it turns direct in your 3rd House of Information. The extra effort you exert now paves a road to smoother connections with others later. Never neglect an opportunity for self-improvement.



Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.17.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.17.19: You may notice something curious about a person in your circle that suddenly makes them more interesting and intriguing today. Perhaps this is even someone who you previously didn’t even like very much. The nature of your prior connection doesn’t matter if you can forge a new and supportive relationship now. Follow this spark of energy rather than bottling it up with insecurities or worst-case scenarios. A single conversation doesn’t entail a deep commitment. You only need to be open and let things flow organically. Changing minds one heart at a time is your specialty.