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英語 時々 スペイン語(完全マップで TOEIC 930 / 英検1級取得)

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.13.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.13.19: Competition is a never-ending game, so be careful of what you start. Trying to keep up with colleagues or neighbors could put you in a financial pinch. If a buddy shows off their hottest new gadget today, you can’t help but feel slightly envious of their good fortune. To save face, you may spend more than you allocated in your budget for discretionary purchases. In fact, you might not even really want the same things that most people covet. Avoid letting your impulses get the best of you now. Instead, focus on the people who matter most to you. Money can’t buy you love.

in a pinch 〈米〉ピンチで、苦境に陥って、切羽詰まって、容易ならぬ事態に直面して
good fortune 幸運
discretionary purchases 自由裁量購買; 裁量購買
*discretionary spending 裁量(消費)支出、自由に使える支出
discretionary 【発音】diskréʃənèri、【カナ】ディスクレショナリィ、ディスクレショナリ
get the best of ~に勝つ、~を負かす、~を出し抜く、~をしのぐ、~を乗り越える


Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.12.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.12.19: You’re not in the mood to worry about impressing anyone today. Perhaps you fear that you might come across as inauthentic or insincere. Nevertheless, how you behave isn’t anyone else’s call to make. You also need to evaluate whether engaging in a particular activity to connect with a crowd or to help others is a fake act or an act of faith. For instance, a networking event doesn’t have to be a clown show if you decide to simply relax and stick closer to the people who appreciate your brand of humor. Captivating connections and sweet synchronicities can only happen when you show up.

come across as 〈話〉~として受け入れられている、~に見える、~のような印象を与える
act of faith 信念の証となる行為
Urban Dictionary: Clown Show
brand of humor 《someone's ~》(人)独特のユーモア


Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.11.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.11.19: Your mind buzzes with thoughts about comfort and security today. However, a moment of insecurity about your place in your inner circle prompts you to shore up your connections. A family member or close friend may give you a tip that helps you save or make more money. You appreciate any information that enables you to establish a more comfortable existence. However, you might long for a safety net that can only be weaved with intimacy and trust, but you must let down your guard if you want others to do the same. Ultimately, creating stronger bonds with loved ones is a priority worth pursuing.

shore up

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.10.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.10.19: You may be fascinated by the creative process, going out of your way to watch people make art today. Perhaps you’re mesmerized by a street performer or captivated by an artist's how-to videos online. Whatever distraction you choose, there is a deeper dynamic at work. Your current behavior could be motivated by your hidden desire to express what’s in your heart. Observing someone else inspires your wishful fantasy to be appreciated for your childlike ingenuity. George Bernard Shaw wrote, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”



Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.9.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.9.19: A recent accomplishment with an ally makes you more appreciative of your solid relationship. However, your success is only part of the good news; developing a harmonious collaborative connection is the true prize. Friendship is a treasure in itself. It’s easy to forget how challenging it is to coordinate even the most mundane tasks with another person, much less a grand purpose. It’s perfectly acceptable to pat yourselves on the back and celebrate your work. Helen Keller said, “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”

自動  〔条約で〕国と同盟する 縁組みする、姻戚関係を結ぶ
名  〔条約で形成される〕同盟[連合]国 同調者、支持者、協力者
【発音】《動》əlái 《名》ǽlai
形 真価が分かる、鑑賞眼のある 感謝の[している]

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.8.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.8.19: Although blue skies seem to be heading in your direction, they are not as cloudless as you wish. Self-analysis may be fruitful if you are feeling disappointed because things aren’t turning out as planned. However, there’s no reason to sulk and be salty about how reality is falling short of your expectations. Perhaps your hopes weren’t as grounded as you believed. You might wonder whether to grant an endeavor or person another chance. Fortunately, critical new information is likely to reveal how to best proceed. Nothing is gained by impulsive negative judgments; give others the benefit of the doubt.

sulk  自動  不機嫌になる、ふくれる、すねる  名  不機嫌
形 塩を含んだ、塩気の強い、塩の効いた、塩辛い
海の、船乗りの 〔表現などが〕気の利いた、生き生きした、辛辣な
impulsive 【形】 〔人が〕衝動で動く、直情的な 〔行動などが〕衝動的な、衝動に駆られた
give someone the benefit of the doubt
(人を)信用することにする;(人に)有利に解釈する備考 相手の言うことが真実か不確かだが、とりあえず信じてみるというニュアンス
benefit of the doubt 疑わしい点を被告に有利[善意・好意的]に解釈すること

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.7.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.7.19: Exploring nostalgic times or rediscovering sentimental items with a friend could prove emotionally fulfilling today. It doesn’t matter if you attend a retrospective art exhibit, pour through old photo albums, or comb through a local vintage clothing store. A blast to the past can be a thoroughly enjoyable experience, especially when you journey back with a companion who sympathizes with your feelings. Ironically, a fascination with bygone times might lead you to cherish the present. You gain a better understanding of where you’re going by knowing where you’ve been. History is your most poignant teacher.

pour through 流れ込む
comb through ~を綿密にチェックする、~をくまなく捜す
poignant 【形】 〔肉体的に〕ひどく痛む[苦しい] 〔精神的に〕心が痛む、痛恨の 〔感情的に〕心を打つ【発音!】pɔ́injənt【カナ】ポイニャントゥ