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Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 9.16.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
9.16.19: Genuine strength is often not a demonstration of force. Your gentle manner proves to be a successful option for sidestepping a near confrontation when necessary today. Use your fierce power to stand in your truth, but not as an excuse to fight. Create a safe space where everyone involved can share their feelings freely. Fortunately, opening your heart increases your chances of reaching the heart of someone else now. Offer others the same emotional honesty that you demand in return.

sidestep 【他動】〔決定・問題などを〕避ける、回避する
stand in 【句動】代理を務める
in return 返礼[返報・お礼・お返し・見返り]として