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英語 時々 スペイン語(完全マップで TOEIC 930 / 英検1級取得)

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 8.12.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
8.12.19: Soften your sword of truth. Powerful communication is free of force and clever persuasion, and has much more to do with the quality of your listening. Get into another person’s world by asking questions rather than making assumptions. Revisit your core values and keep your self-expression in alignment with your truth. Your charm is irresistible today, so be mindful of inadvertently seducing others to do your bidding. Drop any ulterior motives and share for the sake of sharing. Your word is your wand.

have much to do with ~と大いに関係[関連・関わり・つながり・付き合い・取引]がある
core values 基本的価値観、本質的価値、中心的価値観
in alignment with ~と一直線になって、(人)の使命に合致している
inadvertently 【副】不注意に、気付かずに、うっかりして、何の気なしに、うかつに(も)
do somebody's bidding 言いなりになる
ulterior 【形】 向こう側にある 〔目的などが〕隠された 今後の
ulterior motive 隠れた動機、下心、思惑、魂胆、本当の狙い
for the sake of ~のために[を考えて]、~の利益のために、~の目的で

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 8.11.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
8.11.19: Communicating your message with a well-defined intention increases the chances of it being clearly heard. Training the mind is tantamount in expressing emotional maturity. Sarcasm hits harder than you might expect; be authentic and stick to straight talk. Connection is crucial, but you may mistake a simple conversation for a deeper experience. Every interaction need not be earth-shattering. Self-nurturance keeps your boundaries intact. Focus your intuition constructively. Fear induces separation, but healing proceeds from integration, which is a harmony of truth and acceptance. Vincent van Gogh said, “What is done with love is done well.”

tantamount 【形】 同等の、等しい 〔二つの悪いことを比べて〕同じくらいに悪い
authentic 【形】 本物の、正真正銘の、真正の、真の、れっきとした~
earth-shattering 【形】驚天動地の、あっと驚くような
nurturance 【名】愛情を込めた世話[心遣い・配慮]、面倒見の良さ

integration 【名】 〔要素の〕統合、統一

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 8.10.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
8.10.19: Your loyal dependability is a superpower people count on. Although you tend to be fixed and steadfast when it comes to matters of the heart, you have a fresh opportunity now to dissolve limiting beliefs from the past. Swerve around the temptation of self-indulgence masquerading as comfort eating or blatant procrastinating. Consider what repressed feelings need to be released to shed emotional baggage. The lighter you become, the more you value the core truth of who you are. Expand beyond the status quo and spend some time grounding in nature. Remember your worth; your presence is an invaluable contribution to the world.

masquerading 【名】〔インターネット上での〕なりすまし
blatant 【形】 〔うそなどが〕見え透いた、わざとらしい、あからさまな
status quoラテン語〉現状(維持)、そのままの状態、体制
in nature 実際は、本来は、事実上 〔否定の強意〕全く~ない

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 8.9.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
8.9.19: Bringing your hidden talents to the forefront enables you to shine brightly. Your personal power feeds your ambitions and encourages your loftiest dreams. However, it’s prudent to distinguish between wishful thinking and your actual needs. Ironically, assisting others to gain their heart’s desires magnifies the abundance in your life. Nevertheless, you must face your faults courageously, and ground yourself to temper the tendency toward obsessive behavior. Dealing sensibly with your current circumstances empowers you to handle any challenges. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory.


prudent 【形】 〔実務に関して〕分別のある、良識的な、堅実な 将来に備えた
ground oneself 地に足を付ける
temper 〔厳しさなどを〕和らげる、穏やかにする、加減する、〔経験が人を〕鍛える
obsessive behavior 強迫行動


Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 8.8.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
8.8.19: Everything you wish to manifest is attainable through the power of your mind. Tap into your natural creative talents by acknowledging that there are unlimited possibilities waiting to take flight in your imagination. Be deliberate in designing environments which reflect your deepest desires, personal values, and aspirational goals. Your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors can be changed in an instant, thus shifting the nature of your reality. Your perceptions and actions in this moment determine your future.

attainable 【形】達成[到達]できる
tap into 【句動】 ~に入り込む、~に侵入する、~と接触する、...との関係を持つ, ...を利用する

Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 8.7.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
8.7.19: Think of your life as a learning session where you may choose miraculous channels of expression. You’re the only one who can decide whether you want hierarchy and dominance or cooperation and collaboration. Between leading, following, and being a bona fide partner on equal footing, you have a myriad of options to embody today. Ambition often requires competitiveness and involves attack. Vision, on the other hand, comes from spirit, and offers the light of blessings. Choose when to assume any role wisely. You are simultaneously a masterpiece and a work in progress. There's more to today's energies than meets the eye!

 bona fide 【形】 〈ラテン語〉本物の、真正な
on equal footing 同じ条件で、対等で
come from 【句動】 ~から来る[伝来する]、~に由来する、源を~に発する、~によってもたらされる
assume a role 役割[代わり]を担う[務める・引き受ける]
meet the eye 目に映る


Scorpio Daily Horoscope by Tarot.com Astrologers 8.6.19

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
by Tarot.com Astrologers
8.6.19: People see your body as a representation of what you think you are. However, the truth of your nature is infinite in power; when you are centered within, you are able to extend equality to others in all your contractual obligations and dealings. Plugging into your deepest essence connects you to your strong but silent inner observer. Although expressing your hidden side isn’t always easy, your identity is not limited to what you do for a living or any role that can be changed. Act as if you are a star and others will perceive your brilliance.

infinite 【形】 〔数量・程度などが〕無限の、計り知れない、果てしない、莫大な
contractual obligation 契約上の義務
plug into 〔電気器具などのプラグを〕~に差し込む 〔プラグで〕~に接続する[つなげる・つながる